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本文摘要:Airbus is set to launch an overhaul of its popular A330 aircraft at the Farnborough International Airshow as the plane maker seeks to overturn Boeing’s dominant position in the lucrative long-range passenger jet market.空客(Airbus)将在英国范堡罗航空展上宣告对其颇受欢迎的A330客机展开改建,该飞机制造商期望夺权波音(Boeing)在利润相当可观的远程客机市场上的主导地位。

Airbus is set to launch an overhaul of its popular A330 aircraft at the Farnborough International Airshow as the plane maker seeks to overturn Boeing’s dominant position in the lucrative long-range passenger jet market.空客(Airbus)将在英国范堡罗航空展上宣告对其颇受欢迎的A330客机展开改建,该飞机制造商期望夺权波音(Boeing)在利润相当可观的远程客机市场上的主导地位。After months of speculation, the Toulouse-based company will announce a revamp of its wide-body A330, dubbed A330neo, with more fuel-efficient engines on Monday, according to people with knowledge of the plans.据知情人士称之为,在几个月的猜测后,空客将于周一宣告改建其公务机客机A330,新机型的名字为A330neo,将配备更加省油的发动机。The company is hoping to recreate the success of the re-engineered narrow-body A320. More than 2,800 A320neo planes have been sold. In June, Airbus said it could sell more than 1,000 A330neos were the plane to go ahead.该公司期望重现较宽体客机A320在替换发动机后获得的顺利。

A320neo的销量多达了2800架。今年6月,空客回应,如果改建顺利,可能会销售逾1000架A330neo。Airbus needs to extend the life of the A330, which entered service in 1994, because there are just less than 250 orders remaining on the books to deliver to customers – about two years’ worth of production.空客必须缩短A330的寿命,因为目前并未交付给的该机型客户订单只有将近250架,大约为两年的产量。这种机型是1994年开始投入使用的。

The revamp is also part of its broader strategy to overtake Boeing in the lucrative wide-body jet market. The two companies sell fewer of these larger planes compared with short-range aircraft, but usually secure higher profit margins.此次改建也是空客企图代替波音在利润相当可观的公务机客机市场地位的更加普遍战略的一部分。尽管两家飞机制造商的较大型客机销量不及短程飞机,但利润率一般来说较高。Executives at Airbus insist that the new plane will have similar fuel efficiency to its Boeing rivals, which are chiefly the small and medium-sized versions of the Dreamliner, also known as the 787.空客高管坚决回应,这款新机型的燃油效率将与波音竞争机型非常,波音机型主要是梦幻客机(787 Dreamliner)的中小机型。

James McNerney, Boeing’s chief executive, however, took issue with the idea that the fuel efficiency would be the same, insisting the group could maintain a clear lead over Airbus in the long-range passenger jet market.波音首席执行官詹姆斯迈克纳尼(James McNerney)对于燃油效率非常的众说纷纭驳回,他坚决回应,波音有能力在远程客机市场之后维持其相对于空客的绝对优势。“Our experts tell us that [the A330neo] will not get close to our 787 versions in terms of fuel efficiency,” he said in an interview with the Financial Times. “Boeing has the strongest wide-body offering by far.”“我们的专家告诉他我们,(A330neo)无法在燃油效率方面与我们的787客机相提并论,”他在拒绝接受英国《金融时报》专访时回应,“到目前为止,波音生产的最弱优势在公务机客机领域。”Airbus is planning to sell the A330neo at lower prices than the Dreamliner. If Airbus could supply as many as 1,000 aircraft to airlines and leasing companies, it would broadly match the orders notched up by the 787.空客计划以高于梦幻客机的价格销售A330neo。


