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双语科技百科(近现代成就) 第88期:京广铁路_澳门bet356体育在线官网安装
本文摘要:Jingguang Rai way京广铁路Jingguang Railway is a major .artery railway in China, connecting BeijingWest Station in Beijing to Guangzhou Railway Station in Guangzhou, Guangdong.京广铁路是中国一条从北京市通向广东省广州市的铁路,是中国最重要的一条南北铁路干线。

Jingguang Rai way京广铁路Jingguang Railway is a major .artery railway in China, connecting BeijingWest Station in Beijing to Guangzhou Railway Station in Guangzhou, Guangdong.京广铁路是中国一条从北京市通向广东省广州市的铁路,是中国最重要的一条南北铁路干线。The railway is jointed by two sections. The northern section, Jinghan railway , is from Beijing to Hankou, and the southern section, Wuguang railway , is from Wuchang to Guangzhou. Jinghan railway was finished in 1905 and Wuguang railway was finished in 1936. Between Hankou and Wuchang, there is the Yangtze River. The two sections were finally jointed together in 1957 when the Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge was built and it was renamed as .Jingguang Railway.京广铁路原分成北南两段。北段从北京市到湖北省汉口,称作“京汉铁路”(1927年~1949年称之为“平汉铁路”),于1897年4月动工,1906年4月竣工。南段从广东广州到湖北武昌,称作“粤汉铁路”,于1900年7月动工,1936年4月竣工。

在1957年武汉长江大桥通车后,两条铁路互通,并更名为京广铁路。With a length of 2,324 kilometers, connecting the cities of Beijing and Guang- zhou through 6 provinces, namely Beijing, Hebei, Henan, Hubei, Hunan and Guangdong, as well as dozens of large and medium-sized cities, and many other railways. Jingguang Railway has played an unusual role in the national economy of China. Even after the parallel Beijing-Kowloon railway is completed, the Jingguang Railway still plays a huge role.京广铁路全长2324千米,相连了中国大城北京市和五座省会,分别是:河北、河南、湖北、湖南、广东,以及数十座大中城市保定市、邢台市、邯郸市、安阳市、鹤壁市、新乡市、许昌市、漯河市、驻马店市、信阳市、孝感市、咸宁市、岳阳市、株洲市、衡阳市、郴州市、韶关市,并与多条铁路相连,在中国的国民经济中起着了非同寻常的起到。即使在平行的京九铁路竣工后,京广铁路也仍然充分发挥着极大的起到。The electric locomotive traction is mostly used in the whole railway passenger carriages and freight passenger carriages. Since the first railway speed lift in 1997 until the fifth in 2004, the travel time of the passenger carriage between Beijing and Guangzhou has been shortened from nearly 40 hours in the past t0 22 hours. In the coming opening of the Wuhan-Guangzhou passenger line, it is expected to divert about 70% of the Jing-Guang Railroad passenger traffic. Electrification project began in the 1990s, the Zhengzhou-Wuchang section had been completed in 1992, the Beijing-Zhengzhou section began in 1993, completed in 1998, the Wuchang-Guangzhou section began in 1998, completed in 2001.全路客运客车和货运客车大多使用电力机车机车。


